Helen Torney Music Studio

Piano Lessons in Cobourg, Ontario

Clarinet Lessons and Music Theory also available

** Online clarinet or piano lessons are now available using Zoom or Facetime **


Helen Torney holds ARCT Diplomas in Piano Performance and in Piano Pedagogy from the Royal Conservatory of Music, Fellowship and Licentiate Diplomas from Trinity College of Music, London, England, an Honours Bachelor of Music from the University of Western Ontario, a Bachelor of Education from the University of British Columbia and an Associate Diploma in Clarinet Performance from the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music. She studied piano with Edward Parker, Robert Rogers and Ira Swartz, and clarinet with Robert Riseling.

Helen Clarinet Treblemaker

Ms. Torney (Helen) maintains a private studio where she teaches piano, clarinet and theory. She is active as an adjudicator/workshop clinician and is a member of the Canadian Music Festivals Adjudicators' Association. After several years as an executive member and provincial delegate for the Coquitlam/Maple Ridge branch of the BCRMTA, she moved, in 1997, to Cobourg, Ontario.

She has been a member of the Royal Conservatory of Music College of Examiners since 1993 and is a Senior Piano Examiner. She is also an Examiner of History, Harmony, Keyboard Harmony and Rudiments. Since the spring of 2020, Ms. Torney has continued in her role of examiner for the Royal Conservatory of Music, using the new "Remote Exam" online format for examinations in Theory and Practical Performance assessment.

Helen played clarinet in the Northumberland Orchestra for fifteen years and is currently an active member of the Concert Band of Cobourg. She has performed in local theatre productions and chamber music groups such as the Northumberland Wind Trio.

Piano playing Lesson in the garden studio
Lesson in the garden



Helen Torney

Location: 141 University Avenue East
Cobourg, Ontario
K9A 1E2

Phone: 905-372-2290
email: helentorney@gmail.com